Hire With
Auto accidents, theft, and violence by employees can all significantly impact your company’s bottom line; more importantly your reputation in the communities you serve. For better or worse, the people you hire are the future of your company. Make an informed hiring decision with Accurate Public Records.
A pre employment background check takes the guesswork out of qualifying an applicant for their position. You’ll know before you hire if they have a dangerous driving record or criminal convictions.
In a 2018 HR.com report, 95 percent of employers use employment background screening, not only in their hiring process but also at other times for cause. The employers cited safety and avoiding legal liability as one of the primary reasons to background check their applicants.

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We Prevent Losses of
Profit & Reputation
Running a pre employment background check including a nationwide criminal records search, drug test, and driver’s license report, will demonstrate due diligence was used should an employer find themselves defending legal claims, such as negligent hiring.
If someone is injured by an employee’s misconduct or “bad acts” you as an employer may be sued for “negligent hiring“. Here in Tampa Florida, an employer is legally presumed not to have been negligent in hiring if they conducted a pre employment background check.
Employers are not legally required to background check their employees and they’re not automatically presumed negligent if they don’t, but they are legally protected if they do, as long as the background check didn’t uncover any information that would lead an employer to believe they’re unfit for the job.
Disclaimer: Accurate Public Records is not qualified to give out legal advice and we are not lawyers. We’re just repeating what we’ve heard lawyers say. You should consult the advise of a qualified attorney.
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Background Checks
for Employees
At Accurate Public Records we understand you and your staff’s time is valuable. Our quick, convenient, and accurate background checks for employees give you confidence that you’ve made a smart hiring decision.
Background Check
Background Check
Background Check
We Provide a Range Employment Background Check Services
and can customize an employment screening program specifically to meet your company’s needs.